Εντοπισμός αστάθειας στον ευρύτερο Ελλαδικό χώρο με τη βοήθεια δορυφορικών δεδομένων
Two integrate satellite atmospheric products; MODIS and GII in which atmospheric instability is impressed by known instability indices, are being examined in the present study. Moreover, the possibility of their use in short terms prediction is also investigated. MODIS is one project of NASA and is supported by two polar orbit meteorological satellites while GII is a project of Eumetsat and is supported by a geostationary meteorological satellite named MSG-8. The aim of this study is to investigate whether instability indices derived from MODIS and GII atmospheric profiles can be used in storm prediction. MODIS’s instability indices are Total Totals (TT), Lifted Index (LI) and K-Index (KI) while GII’s instability indices are Lifted Index and K-Index. MODIS provides two measurements a day for Greece, one at about 00:00 UTC night time and another one in the morning at about 10- 11 UTC whereas GII has high time frequency with four record per hour. At first, the instability indices of these both atmospheric products are evaluated for June 2009, using the equivalent indices of available soundings at the airports of Thessaloniki, Athens and Heraklion for 00:00 and 12:00 UTC. The correlation between 10MODIS’ indices and the corresponding one from soundings was quite good for TT and KI while LI appeared to have a low correlation. On the contrary, KI and LI of GII product appeared with the highest correlation factor. Then, four days with characteristics of high atmospheric instability in Greece were chosen and convective clouds were depicted using images from the MSG channels of high resolution visible (HRV) and infrared (IR10.8). After that, maps with spatial distribution of instability indices for both satellite products were examined and the results showed that MODIS succeeded to depict the severe atmospheric instability of those days but was proved to be ineffective in short terms prediction because the satellite night passage is a few hours far from morning thermal instability and at the morning passage, the instability has already been developed. GII with its high time frequency measurements succeeded to depict thermal instability a few hours before its appearance, after 06:00 UTC. For this reason, a helpful alert can be provided by GII to meteorologists in order to pay attention to regions that can develop high convection activity the next few hours.
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