Μελέτη σωματιδιακής ρύπανσης στην ευρύτερη περιοχή της Θεσσαλονίκης
The aim of this Master's Thesis is to study the pollution caused by particulate matter in the greater region of Thessaloniki. We focus on the study of PM10 particulates (particulate matter), which is particulates with aerodynamic diameter less than 10 micrometers. This paper is divided into two sections. In the first section (chapters 1 and 2), we describe the theory concerning the PM10 particulates, while In section 2 (chapters 3, 4 and 5) we include the processing of the measurements and the conclusions. In the first chapter we present some basic concepts of particulate matter. These include the distribution of their size, types of aerosols, their chemical composition, production sources and mechanisms of removal. We also present the residence time of aerosols in the atmosphere and their impact on climate, environment and human health. The morphological and climatic conditions of the Thessaloniki area are presented in Chapter 2. We also describe the instruments and methods of measurements of airborne particulates and present the recording stations. Finally we present the institutional framework established by the European Union to manage air quality. In the third chapter we present the statistical analysis of annual, monthly and hourly variation of particulate matter pollution. We analyze the frequency of concentrations of PM10. We also identify and analyze the cases of excess of the limits, which have been established by the EU. The influence of meteorological parameters in the levels of PM10 concentrations is discussed in the fourth chapter. The analysis includes the influence of wind and rain on the distribution of concentrations of particulate matter, and a correlation of the boundary layer and the ventilation coefficient, with the concentrations of PM10 is made. Finally we present a correlation of concentrations of urban with suburban stations. The fifth chapter includes the main conclusions arising from our analysis of the PM10 particulates measurements.
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