Βελτιστοποίηση του δείκτη Drastic για την εκτίμηση της τρωτόττηας στην εξωτερική ρύπανση με στατιστικές μεθόδους: εφαρμογή στον υδροφορέα της λεκάνης της Φλώρινας
In this paper is presented the hydrogeological and hydrochemicalhydrochemical regime in the alluvial aquifer of Florina basin, as well as the optimization of the DRASTIC indexto estimate groundwater vulnerability and pollution risk to external pollution.The study area covers an area of XX and located in northern Greece. It belongs to the pelagonal zone and is surrounded by three mountains. The climate is characterized as continental. Groundwater level measurements were performed in 59 boreholes for two periods (wet and dry periods of 2016). Furthermore, 29 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for the main ions. Increased concentrations of NO3- (up to 68 mg / L) and SO42- (up to 1020 mg / L) were observed as a result of the overuse of fertilizers in the area. The dominant water type is Ca-HCO3. Water quality indices were used to determine the quality status of groundwater and the results have shown that groundwater is good enough for irrigation. From the estimation of vulnerability using the typical DRASTIC method, high vulnerability characterizes the southwestern and northwestern parts of the area, however, there is no correlation with nitrate concentrations. The original DRASTIC index was modified based on nitrate concentration and land uses and hence DRASTIC-N and DRASTIC-LN were created. According to DRASTIC-N high vulnerability is located in the southwest and northwest parts of the basin, while low vulnerability areas are located in the center and northeast part of the study area. DRASTIC-N has low correlation with nitrate ions. DRASTIC-LN was used for the assessment of groundwater pollution risk. The correlation coefficient with nitrate ions is positive in this case. High risk is observed in the central and southeast part of the basin. Corresponding amounts of fertilizer are used depending on the crop. To conclude, the modified vulnerability and pollution risk map of the alluvial aquifer can be used from stakeholders in order to prevent groundwater quality deterioration.
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