Αξιοποίηση των δορυφορικών δεδομένων του GLOBAL PRECIPITATION MEASUREMENT για τη μελέτη καταιγιδορόρων συστημάτων. Use of GLOBAL PRECIPITATION MEASUREMENT satellite data for the study of convective systems
The purpose of this thesis is the investigation of a mesoscale convective system with the use of satellite data of the GPM Core Observatory satellite. Mainly, they have been used the innovative technologies of the precipitation radar named DPR. With the help of this data we could made conclusions about the microphysical characteristics of the convective system, such as the diameter and the concentration of its water droplets. Furthermore, the rain rate, its extend and its amount are studied in depth. Also, for the validation of the satellite data, are used data from the MSG geostationary satellite, ground weather radars, weather stations and a grid of recording electric discharges. Moreover, an analysis of the characteristics of the surrounding atmosphere is made with the use of synoptic charts in various levels, vertical cross sections and three-dimensional visualizations. Finally, we concluded that the GPM’s data can give reliable data for their utilization in weather forecasting and operational weather forecasting in the future.
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