Γεωχημική μελέτη λιγνιτών και μαργαϊκών δειγμάτων από τα ορυχεία της λεκάνης Πτολεμαϊδας - Αμυνταίο. = Geochemical study of lignite and mars samples collected from the lignite wines at the Ptolemais - Amydaio basin.
Thirty-eight lignite and marl samples were collected from the Ptolemais-Amyntaio lignite basin and were analyzed by XRF and ICP-MS methods in order to determine their concentrations in major and trace elements. The results show that the elements Ag, Au, Ir, Se, Bi, Be, Cd, Mo, Ta, Tb and W have concentrations lower than the detection limit. The elements Αs, Co, Cu, Cs, Hf, Eu, La, Lu, Pb, Y, Yb, Th, Sb, Sc, Sn, Sm show concentrations lower than 10ppm whereas the elements Br, Ce, Cr, Pb, Ni, Sr, Ba, Nd, Rb, U, Zn, Zr, V have mean concentrations >10ppm, samples KR.M.4 and W.L.9 showing the highest values. When comparing the concentration results with the mean concentration values of the World Coals (as given in the bibliography), it appears that only the elements Cr, Ni and U demonstrate enrichment. This enrichment can be possibly attributed to lithogenic or terrestrial causes. Regarding the major elements, all lignite samples show low concentration in total sulphur, MnO and MgO whereas only the marl samples seem to have elevated concentrations in CaO.
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