Διερεύνηση των γεωλογικών συνθηκών για τη δημιουργία κοιτασμάτων υδρογονανθράκων και για την παρουσία γεωθερμικών πεδίων σε Ανατολική Μακεδονία και Θράκη. = Investigation of the geological conditions for the formation of Hydrocarbons and the appearence of geothermal fields in the regions of East Macedonia and Thrace.
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία διαπραγματεύεται την ύπαρξη των κατάλληλων γεωλογικών συνθηκών για την δημιουργία κοιτασμάτων υδρογονανθράκων και την ύπαρξη γεωθερμικών πεδίων, καθώς και την διερεύνηση των γεωθερμικών συνθηκών στην χώρα της Ελλάδας και συγκεκριμένα στις περιοχές της Ανατολικής Μακεδονίας και Θράκης.
This Βachelor's Τhesis is negotiating the existence of appropriate geological conditions for the formation of Hydrocarbons and the investigation of the geothermal conditions and the existence of multiple geothermal fields in the country of Greece, specifically in the regions of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
Διαδικτυακές Πηγές- Links :
Ξενόγλωσση Βιβλιογραφία :
ARVANITIS, A.: Comparative geochemical study of fluids from geothermal fields formed in basins with different geological background (Strymon and Mygdonia basins), MSc thesis, Univ. of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 1-379 (1998) (in Greek)
BROOKS, J.M., KENNICUTT, M.C., FISHER, C.R., MACKO, S.A., COLE, K., CHILDRESS, J.J., BIDIGARE, R.R. AND VETTER, R.D., 1987. Deep-sea hydrocarbon seep communities: evidence for energy and nutritional carbon sources. Science, 238(4830), pp.1138-1142.
DIMITRIOS MENDRINOS, IOANNIS CHOROPANITIS , OLYMPIA POLYZOU, CONSTANTINE KARYTSAS, Geothermics 39 (2010) 124-137, Exploring for geothermal resources in Greece, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES), Pikermi Greece.
DINTER, ROYDEN 1993, Late Cenozoic extension in northeastern Greece: Strymon Valley detachment system and Rhodope metamorphic core complex.
GRIGORIOS KARYDAS, APOSTOLOS ARVANITIS, NIKOLAOS ANDRITSOS AND MICHAEL FYTIKAS, Low enthalpy Geothermal Fields in the Strymon Basin (Northern Greece) , Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2005 , Antalya, Turkey , April 2005
GEORGAKOPOULOS, A. History , status and future considerations of hydrocarbon exploration in Greece, First Break Vol 10, November 1992/413 , Aristotle University of Thessaloniki , Department of Mineralogy-Petrology-Economic Geology, Thessaloniki, Greece.
GEORGAKOPOULOS, A. (1992). History, status and future considerations of hydrocarbon exploration in Greece. First Break, 10(11): 413-416.
GEORGAKOPOULOS, A., Papaconstantinou, C. and Papaioannou, Ch. (1995). Natural gas storage in the South Kavala Field: geological and seismological characteristics. Petroleum Geoscience, Geological Society, London, Vol. 1, No 2: 129-133.
GEORGAKOPOULOS, A. (2000). Lithology and stratigraphy of the Neogene Prinos-Kavala basin, Northern Greece. In: Proceedings R.C.M.N.S. Interim Colloquium, Patras 1998. Mediterranean Neogene Cyclostratigraphy in marine-continental palaeoenvironments. Edited by G.D. Koufos & Ch.E. Ioakim, Geol. Soc. Greece Sp. Publ. No 9: 79-84, 2000.
GEORGAKOPOULOS, A. (1998). Organic Geochemical Study of Greek Oil Source Rocks. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference and Technical Exhibition “Modern Exploration and Improved Oil and Gas Recovery Methods”. East Meets West, Kraków, Poland, 1-4 September 1998, p. 208-213.
GEORGAKOPOULOS,A. Organic Geochemical Study of Greek Oil Source Rocks, PO-01 , Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
KATSIFARAKIS, K. L.; TSELEPIDOU, K. Pumping cost minimization in aquifers with regional flow and two zones of different transmissivities. Journal of hydrology, 2009, 377.1-2: 106-111.
KARYDAKIS, GRIGORIOS, et al. Low enthalpy geothermal fields in the strymon basin (Northern Greece). In: Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2005. 2005.
KOLIOS, Nikolaos, et al. Geothermal situation in Northeastern Greece. In: Proc. World Geothermal Congress Antalya, Turkey. 2005. p. 24-29.
MENDRINOS, Dimitrios, et al. Exploring for geothermal resources in Greece. Geothermics, 2010, 39.1: 124-137.
NAESER, N.D., NAESER, C.W. AND MCCULLOH, T.H., 1989. The application of fission-track dating to the depositional and thermal history of rocks in sedimentary basins. In Thermal history of sedimentary basins (pp. 157-180). Springer, New York, NY.
PAPASTERGIOS, G., FERNANDEZ-TURIEL, J.L., GEORGAKOPOULOS, A.,GIMENO, D.(2009). Natural and anthropogenic efforts on the sediment geochemistry of Nestos river, Northern Greece . Environmental Geology, Vol. 58, No. 6 : 1361-1370, Sept. 2009.
Ελληνική Βιβλιογραφία :
ΚΟΛΙΑΔΗΜΟΥ Κ., ΓΑΛΑΝΙΔΗΣ Δ., 1988. Γεωλογική & Γεωυδρολογική – Υδροχημική μελέτη του. Γεωθερμικού πεδίου της περιοχής Θερμών Νιγρίτας Σερρών. Πρακτικά 2ου Συνεδρίου για τα. Θερμομεταλλικά Νερά, 7-9 Οκτωβρίου 1988, 133-184.
ΜΠΑΡΤΖΟΥΔΗΣ Γ.(1995): Σύγγραμμα
ΔΗΜΟΣΘΕΝΗΣ Μ. ΜΟΥΝΤΡΑΚΗΣ , Γεωλογία και Γεωτεκτονική Εξέλιξη της Ελλάδας, University Studio Press
ΜΠΙΡΜΠΊΛΗ, Μ., et al. Μελέτη της δυνατότητας αξιοποίησης του γεωθερμικού πεδίου Θερμών Νιγρίτας (Ν. Σερρών). Δελτίον της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας, 2004, 36.3: 1182-1191.
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