Γεωλογία και τρόπος σχηματισμού των διαμαντιών σε κιμπερλίτες. = Geology and the formation process of diamonds in kimberlites.
Η διπλωματική αυτή εργασία πραγματεύεται τον τρόπο σχηματισμού των διαμαντιών μέσα σε κιμπερλίτες, καθώς και την γεωλογία που συνδέεται άμεσα με τις διαδικασίες αυτές. Περιλαμβάνει μια περιληπτική επεξήγηση της σημασίας των διαμαντιών στον πολιτισμό και την οικονομία μας, με την παράθεση των διάφορων χρήσεών τους. Παρουσιάζονται επιπλέον οι κυριότεροι τύποι αδαμαντοφόρων κοιτασμάτων και περιγράφονται διεξοδικά οι κιμπερλίτες, οι τεχνικές αναζήτησης και οι κυριότερες εμφανίσεις τους, μέσω της ιστορικής αναδρομής. Έχοντας ως γνώμονα τα παραπάνω, ορίζεται η σύνδεση των διαμαντιών με τους κιμπερλίτες και διευκρινίζεται η χρησιμότητα των ορυκτών-δεικτών. Ολοκληρώνοντας γίνεται αναλυτική περιγραφή των σημαντικότερων κοιτασμάτων διαμαντιών παγκοσμίως που εμφανίστηκαν τα τελευταία χρόνια.
This diploma thesis approaches the way diamonds are formed in kimberlites, as well as the geology directly associated with these processes. It also includes a detailed explanation of the importance of diamonds in our culture and economy, through their various uses and applications. In addition the main types of diamond deposits are presented, while kimberlites, their exploration methods and their main occurrences are described in detail through their historical retrospection. Bearing in mind all of the above, the link between diamonds and kimberlites is defined, while at the same time the utility of mineral indicators is clarified. In conclusion a detailed description is presented of the most important diamond deposits worldwide that have emerged in recent years.
This diploma thesis approaches the way diamonds are formed in kimberlites, as well as the geology directly associated with these processes. It also includes a detailed explanation of the importance of diamonds in our culture and economy, through their various uses and applications. In addition the main types of diamond deposits are presented, while kimberlites, their exploration methods and their main occurrences are described in detail through their historical retrospection. Bearing in mind all of the above, the link between diamonds and kimberlites is defined, while at the same time the utility of mineral indicators is clarified. In conclusion a detailed description is presented of the most important diamond deposits worldwide that have emerged in recent years.
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