Αξιοποίηση της αβαθούς γεωθερμίας με την χρήση γεωθερμικών αντλιών θερμότητας - Παραδείγματα απ'τη Βόρεια και Δυτική Ελλάδα. = Exploitation of shallow geothermal energy with the use of geothermal heat pumps - Examples of North and Western Greece.
The exploitation of the shallow geothermal systems with ground source heat pumps (GSHPs) is the most developed sector of the geothermal market in Greece. The shallow geothermal energy is mainly used for heating in winter and cooling in the summer, but also for hot water and other uses. In this thesis three (3) cases of GSHP installations are presented. They regard three different types of buildings (house residence, super market and hotel), with diverse thermal requirements and located in areas where different weather and climatic conditions. The first case is a house in Melissochori (Thessaloniki), where a vertical-open loop GHPs system was installed. The operating cost is approximately €1,500 per year, with an annual saving of 70.3% compared to conventional systems. The payback time for this project was five (5) years. The second case is a super market store in Pella (Central Macedonia), with a vertical-closed loop GHPs system. The operating cost reaches approximately €9.000 per year, the annual saving 68.1% and the payback time did not exceed four (4) years. The last case is a hotel in Metsovo (Ioannina, Western Greece), where a vertical-closed loop GHPs system was installed. The operating cost is about €4.500 per year, the annual saving is 69.8% compared to conventional systems and the payback time was only three (3) years. All these installations work fine for some years now and no problems have been recorded so far.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
Ελληνική Βιβλιογραφία
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ΙΓΜΕ (1979). Γεωλογικός Χάρτης 1:50.000 ΦΥΛΛΟ «ΚΙΛΚΙΣ»
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Διεθνής Βιβλιογραφία
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