Αποτύπωση κατολισθητικών φαινομένων σε περιβάλλον φλύσχη στον επαρχικά οδικό δίκτυο στον Τυμφρηστό Ευρυτανίας - Φθιώτιδας με τη χρήση ΣΜΗΕΑ (UAV). = Landslide mapping in flysch Environment along the road network in Tymfristos area, Evritania - Fthiotida, with the use of UAV.
In this report a landslide located west of the village Timfristos, is investigated. This landslide occurs in a flysch environment. An important tool of this study was the use of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) technology which facilitates the detailed mapping and footprint of the landslide. The available data for the specific project are a) aerial photographs captured by the drone DJI Phantom 3 Professional b) the geological exhibitions in 1996 and 1999 and c) the information collected in an outdoor research during 23-25/03/2018. The first chapter mentions the purpose, the subject of study and the methodology used in this work. The second chapter of this report comprises geomorphological and geological data about the investigated location. In the third chapter, the classification and causes of landslides are analyzed. The historic background and the classification of the landslide in Timfristos are also studied. In the fourth chapter, general information about the UAV technology is outlined as well as the benefit of this method in the investigation of landslide phenomena. Additionally, the application of UAV technology in this study is discussed herein. In the fifth chapter, there is an extensive reference to geotechnical assessment of landslide. Finally, the summary of the overall work is presented.
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