Τεχνολογική εξέλιξη και παθογένειες ιστορικών κονιαμάτων
123 bulk samples of mortars were examined as part of this PhD research. The main aim of this work is to investigate the technology and degradation of mortar samples. The samples were collected from funerary monuments dated from Hellenistic to Byzantine time, affected by environmental degradation. The samples were collected in sections 6cm towards the surface using a drill-core material. The first sample was collected from the external layers, while the internal samples were collected 1cm below, in order to create an ideal Hellenistic and Byzantine mortar layer and to provide weathering gradients using isotopic analysis. The samples were characterized in terms of their isotopic, chemical and mineralogical composition. Stable isotope analysis (13C and 18O) provided information relative to the origin of CO2 and water during calcite formation making possible to distinguish different mortar technologies and degradation gradients. Compositional and morphological analyses were achieved using energy dispersive X-ray analysis in the scanning electron microscope while the mineralogical phases were detected using petrographic (polarised optical microscopy) analysis. The results of micro-morphological and petrographic examination elucidate the technological continuity and degradation of historic mortars. Hellenistic mortars are composed of lime enhanced with quartz aggregates. Roman and Byzantine mortars are composed of lime, pozzolan and a various aggregates such as quartz, feldspar, ceramic and rock fragments. The main degradation mechanisms are calcite recrystallization, loose of adhesion bonds in the binding material and salts crystallization. The isotopic values comprise a range of δ13C and δ18Ο values from -17,6‰ to 3,6‰ and -25,9‰ to 0,4‰ very different from that of local limestones used for mortar production. The ideal layers from Hellenistic and Byzantine era are expressed, by the regression lines δ18O calcite matrix =0.61 δ13C calcite matrix -1.9 and δ18O calcite matrix =0.63 δ13C calcite matrix -2. This study indicated that stable isotope analysis is an excellent tool to fingerprint the origin of carbonate and therefore indicate the variations in mortar’s technology, the environmental setting conditions of mortar, origin of CO2 and water during calcite formation and to determine the weathering depth and the potential secondary degradation mechanisms.
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