Συνδυαστική εφαρμογή σεισμικών και γεωηλεκτρικών μεθόδων για τον εντοπισμό εγκοίλων: εφαρμογή στη περιοχή ανέγερσης του νέου πανεπιστημίου δυτικής Μακεδονίας στην Κοζάνη = Combined application of seismic and electrical methods for karstic voids detection: a case study at the campus of the new university of western Macedonia, Kozani
The presented thesis deals with the combined application of geophysical methods in the area where the new University of Western Macedonia is to be build. The aim of the thesis was to investigate the optimal methodological approach regarding the detection of karstic features in limestone rocks. Various methods widely used in relevant studies and methods whose efficiency is under evaluation were examined. Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Seismic Refraction Tomography (SRT) and Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) were applied. An additional approach was proposed in P-wave’s propagation study, applying a geophone-source array similar to the one used in cross-hole surveys. The geophysical survey took place at two different sites, where the karstic features were observed on the surface. Initially, the geoelectric method was applied for the delimitation of the known voids and the detection of additional karstic features. Seismic methods were then applied in order to evaluate their potential in karstic environments, as well as the overall combined interpretation of geophysical data. The results highlighted the main advantages and disadvantages of each method, confirming the importance of joint interpretation. Karstic voids were presented as high resistivity features, while at the same time the overall geoelectric model interpretation was ambiguous because of the high-resistivity environment. Seismic methods proved to be crucial for the clarification of the ambiguous results of the previous ERT survey at the area. Seismic refraction tomography depicts the potential cavities as low-velocity features, clearly differentiated from the limestone bedrock. Synthetic data inversion further verified the reliability of the refraction tomography results. The MASW method was used as a complementary technique, confirming the characterization of karstified areas. Both methods have been considered as a useful and reliable tool for precise mapping of shallow karstic features.
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