Μελέτη της βροχόπτωσης στην περιοχή της Γερμανίας για την περίοδο 1958-2017 με τη χρήση ακραίων κλιματικών δεικτών = On the study of rainfall over Germany: using extreme climate indices for the period 1958-2017.
Recent studies for the region of Germany have shown an increase in precipitation in the winter period and a progressive decrease in the summer period. In this work, rainfall at 80 stations over Germany is discussed. In particular, daily precipitation was extracted from the ECA & D dataset for the period 1958-2017 and six extreme climatic indices (SDII, RX, R10mm, R20mm, R95p, R99p), as well as their trends, were calculated on an annual and a seasonal basis. The purpose of this study is to analyze the precipitation events in each station, for the study period, in order to determine patterns and trends in rainfall distribution, as well as to identify wetter and drier regions. Most specifically, the indices present similar behavior on a yearly basis. The low values are concentrated in the northern and northeastern parts of the country, indicating drier conditions, while higher values, indicating wetter conditions, are reported in southern and western Germany. On a seasonal basis, the indices share a common pattern. In winter low values are found in northeastern Germany and high values in the southern and western section. During the spring and the summer period, low values are detected almost everywhere, except of the southern and the western part of Germany, where high values are reported. In the autumn, low values are detected in the northern, eastern and central parts of the country and high values are found in northern, western and southern Germany. As to the significant trends that the indices present, they don’t show a specific pattern.
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Διαδικτυακές Πηγές
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