Απόθεση μετάλλων σε σύγχρονα ενεργά υδροθερμικά συστήματα του Νοτίου Αιγαίου στην Ελλάδα = Metal deposition in active hydrothermal systems of South Aegean in Greece.
The Hellenic volcanic arc is a geological feature that formed as the result of the collision of the Eurasian tectonic plate with the African plate. It appears at about 120km North of the subduction zone and its shape resembles a bow-like structure pointing to the South. The arc include the volcanic centers of Methana, Milos island, Santorini island, Kolumbo, Nisiros island and Kos island. At these centers, past and recent hydrothermal activity has been observed. The hydrothermal fluids of all these active systems in Aegean are enriched in metallic elements, most commonly Zn, Pb, As etc, and sometimes they form sulfide deposits like in Kolumbo. The hydrothermal activity and the composition of the fluids are controlled by the geological setting and the tectonics of each region, which are closely related with the the geotectonics that rule the evolution of the volcanic arc. Recent active faults, with a NE-SW direction occur at all these active centers of the volcanic arc, and are the main diodes for the fluid flow. These faults are the result of a still active extensional tectonic event that takes place in the Aegean region, with a NW-SE direction. The hydrothermal fluids are mainly derived from meteoric and sea water, which circulate deep into the crust along the faults. Part of the fluids has also a magmatic origin. The main features of the hydrothermal systems of South Aegean are the high fluid temperature (>200 °C in some cases), the acidic pH (although measurements have shown pH between 4 and 8), the extreme As concentration and the shallow submarine hydrothermal activity. These systems display some unique features compared to other systems of the same type in different parts of the world, like in Japan and New Zealand, and should be further studied.
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