Προσομοιώσεις της ισχυρής σεισμικής κίνησης στο κοντινό πεδίο του σεισμού της Κω – Αλικαρνασσού 2017 = Near-field simulations of strong ground motion of the 2017 Kos – Halicarnassus earthquake.
The 20th July 2017 earthquake (22:31UTC, M6.6) with epicentre offshore of Kos island, caused damage both in Kos town and in Bodrum of Turkey. There are no records of strong ground motion in Kos town to relate with observed damage, and further investigation of the location and slip distribution on the fault plane. Here, we used small magnitude earthquakes as Empirical Green Functions, and simulated the mainshock’s strong ground motion in Kos town. We collected all the available accelerograms of the mainshock and its aftershocks with magnitude Μ≥3.0. We investigated published models of seismic source properties and determined the region of the strongest release of energy (referred to as Strong Motion Generation Area, SMGA). Based on this and on records of mainshock and its aftershocks, we searched the optimum values of seismic source parameters which best fitted the observed records. Having calibrated our model, we performed a blind simulation of the motion that would have been recorded at the strong motion station in Kos town. Our results predict values of peak ground acceleration between 0.21g to 0.28g, in good agreement with results of other approaches, strengthening the reliability of the EGFs method.
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