Μεταλλογένεση της μεταξύ Βεροίας και Ναούσης περιοχής = Metallogenesis in the area between Veroia and Naousa.
The subject of the present thesis is the study of the mineralogy, the geochemistry and the ore mineralization of the chromite and the massive sulfide deposits in the area between Veria and Naousa in Northern Greece. These deposits are hosted in the Naousa-Veria unit exposed in the Vermion mountain range. This unit is part of the Northern Pelagonian domain, close to its eastern border with the Western Almopias unit of the Vardar zone. The Naousa-Veria unit is characterized by an extensive ophiolitic mélange, exposed between Naousa and Veria areas. The chromite deposits are hosted in serpentinites which constitute part of a dismembered Mesozoic ophiolite complex, representing obducted blocks of the Tethyan oceanic crust on the Pelagonian zone. The ophiolite complex comprises also metadiabasic-metadoleritic rocks and in limited extent leucogranite and plagiogranite rocks at the area. The serpentinites are mainly after primary harzburgite. Accessory chrome-spinel and magnetite are also found in the serpentinites. The accessory spinels are classified as aluminian chromites and chromian spinels and are classified to the l-type or Alpine-type peridotite spinels. Ferritchrommite and magnetite is considered as a secondary mineral phase, formed during serpentinization.The grade of metamorphism ranges between the prehnite-pumpellyite facies. The primitive lavas of the metabasic rocks have crystallized from a low-K tholeitic magma. The tectonic environment of magma generation resembles that of an island arc (IAT) above a subducting lithosphere oceanic slab (supra subduction zone). Six chromite mineralized areas which were mined in the past (Agios Athanasios, Platania Rema, Paliorouga, Dichalevri, Koumaria, Arkochori) are studied in the present thesis. The chromite ore bodies are irregular in shape and display various degree of deformation. Ferritchromite is assigned to the serpentinization and to a low grade metamorphic overprint in the area. Chromite in chromite ore is usually associated with Cr-clinochlore and Cr-penninite and at Arkochori with the chromian garnet uvarovite-andradite. The studied chromites are classified as aluminian chromites. The contents of platinum group elements (PGE) in the chromite ore show a consistency and the average concentration is Os: 32.25 ppb, Ir: 52.25 ppb, Ru: 72.38 ppb, Rh:10.00 ppb, Pt: 20.38 ppb and Pd: 6.50 ppb. All chromitite samples show an evident enrichment in Os, Ir, and Ru (the elements of the subgroup of Ir or IPGE). The studied chromitites correspond to Alpine type complexes and assign their characterization as podiform or ophiolitic chromite deposits. They are correlated with the well-known podiform chromite deposits in the ophiolites of the Vourinos, Pindos and Chalkidiki (Greece) and Troodos (Cyprus). A supra subduction zone geodynamic setting is assigned for the formation of the studied podiform chromite deposits. The massive sulfides in Fytia, Rodochori and Ktima Xylapetsidis are of Cyprus or Cu-pyrite type. The mineralization consists mainly of pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite, which are associated with the metabasic rocks. The mineralization in the Fytia area contains also pyrrhotite, chromite and cobaltine, which are associated with the ultrabasic rocks. The sulphides were formed in an submarine hydrothermal environment at reducing conditions, at temperatures up to 300ºC and in a slightly acidic pH envinronment.
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