Κοιτάσματα Επιθερμικού τύπου = Epithermal type deposits.
The following diploma thesis is a summary of all the features that characterize an epithermal type deposit. They appear in a tectonic environment with the subduction of an oceanic lithosphere below a continental lithospheric slab, causing a contemporaneously rise of magma and fluid circulation. All these lead to the formation of epithermal deposits. Their special features such as the ore and hydrothermal minerals, the form of the ore bodies, the origin of the fluids, the host rocks etc. are further discussed. All these data that are used in order to separate them from other types of deposits and also to discriminate the epithermal deposits in subtypes based on the sulfidation state. Subsequently, the different types of hydrothermal alteration are mentioned, whether they pre-existed in the minerals of the host rocks, or they were formed during the mineralization process form the hydrothermal fluids. Last but not least, several examples of worldwide and Greek epithermal type deposits, are briefly described.
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