Γεωλογική δομή και τεκτονική ανάλυση του Τεκτονικού Καλύμματος του Βερμίου = Geological structure and structural analysis of the Vermion Nappe.
The Vermion Nappe is located in Mt Vermion, on the border of Western and Central Macedonia. The new field data reveal that the Vermion Nappe comprises, from bottom to top, red-matrix rudites of Aptian – Albian age, and Upper Cretaceous conglomerates, calcarenites and limestones. The Vermion Nappe tectonically overlie both the Maastrichtian flysch and a Jurassic schistose mélange of the Pelagonian Zone. Fragments of pre- Upper Cretaceous rocks, consisting of meta-clastics, ophiolites, schists and recrystallized limestones, were found at the base of the nappe, tectonically wedged between the Vermion Nappe and the underlying rocks. These rocks were emplaced along with the Vermion Nappe. The rocks of the Vermion Nappe are sud-horizontal,dipping with low-medium angles to the east or west. In map-scale these rocks are folded with N-S trending folds. The basal thrust of the Vermion Nappe is a deformation zone with thickness up to a few meters, that is generally sub-horizontal with W-WSW – directed kinematics. Four deformational events are recognized in the study area. The first deformational event, D1, is an ENE-WSW trending compression that is dated in Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous. This deformational event affected the pre- Upper Cretaceous rocks of the Pelagonian Zone, forming tight – sub-isoclinal, NNW-SSE trending, WSW-verging folds and the main foliation (S1) of the previous rocks, which is parallel to their bedding (S0). This deformational event is associated with the W-ward emplacement of the ophiolitic nappe on the Triassic – Jurassic rocks of the Pelagonian Zone. This ophiolitic nappe originated from the Axios oceanic basin. The second deformational event, D2, is a NW-SE trending compression that is dated in Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous. This event affected the pre- Upper Cretaceous rocks of the Pelagonian Zone, causing close-tight, asymmetric, overturned, NE-SW trending, SE-verging folds and locally an S2 axial schistosity. Also, shear zones are formed with NW-SE trending lineations and top-to-SE direction of movement. This deformational event is probably associated with the emplacement of a second ophiolitic nappe on the western Pelagonian margin, derived from the Pindos oceanic basin. The third deformational event, D3, is a Tertiary, NE-SW to E-W trending compression. This event affected the rocks of all the units of the study area causing close-open, asymmetric, NW-SE to N-S trending folds. These folds are SW- to W-verging and are associated with an S3 axial schistosity in the Pelagonian Zone, whereas in the Vermion Nappe and the Almopias Zone they are either W-verging or E-verging and are associated with an S1 axial schistosity. The WSW-directed emplacement of the Vermion Nappe took place during this event. Furthermore, the duplexes in the Triassic – Jurassic Pelagonian marbles and the Almopian imbricates were formed during this event. This deformational event was the result of the collision of the Apulia plate with the Eurasian margin. The fourth deformational event, D4, is an N-S trending compression that is dated in Late Oligocene – Early Miocene. During this event, the rocks of all the units in the area were folded with close-open E-W trending folds. Also, the pre-existing tectonic contacts were re-activated locally with NNW-SSE trending lineations. This deformational event is a late-orogenic compression, approximately parallel to the trend of the Hellenides.
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