Διερενηση των υδρογεωλογικών συνθηκών και της ποιότητας των υπογείων νερών στη λεκάνη της Φλώρινας = Investigation of the hydrogeologicla conditions and ground water quality parameters in the Florina basin.
In this paper the hydrogeological conditions of the Florina basin are investigated. The Florina basin is part of the Pelagonian zone and it is located at the northwestern part of Greece. Groundwater level measurements were performed on 27 boreholes for two periods, (July of 2018 and April 2019). The highest water level above the mean sea level was observed at artesian boreholes (0,4 m above ground level) and the lowest water level at the depth of 59.5 m. Furthermore, in July 2018 ground water samples were collected, and in situ measurements of electrical conductivity, pH and temperature were carried out. Chemical analysis was performed to determinate the concentration of nitrate and phosphate ions in the samples. The highest nitrate ions concentration was at 64 mg/L and phosphate ions concentration was at 8.2mg/L. This could be attributed to the use of fertilizer, since intense agricultural activities take place in the area. The results of the measurements were visualized with the use of GIS by utilizing geostatistical methods suggested in literature. The method of ordinary Kriging was used for 4 different semi-variograms with the Root Mean Square Error and correlation factor (R2) as the criteria for deciding how suitable each method is.
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