Ανασκόπηση των ιπποπόταμων της Ευρώπης, της Ελλάδας και της Κύπρου = Revision of the Hippopotamus of Europe, Greece and Cyprus.
Εν κατακλείδι, οι ιπποπόταμοι είναι ζώα που η ύπαρξή τους κρίνεται απαραίτητη για την υγιή εξέλιξη της τροφικής αλυσίδας του οικοσυστήματος που ανήκουν και η εύρεση των απολιθωμάτων μαρτυρά πληροφορίες για το παρελθόν που δεν ήταν γνωστές στον άνθρωπο. Οι έρευνες και η μελέτη τους είναι συνεχής και αναγκαία για την πλήρη κατανόηση της εξελικτικής τους πορείας, τα δε απολιθώματά τους μας δίνουν πληροφορίες για το παλαιοπεριβάλλον διάφορων περιοχών.
Λέξεις κλειδιά Ιπποπόταμοι, απολιθώματα, Πλειστόκαινο, Νάνοι
The aim of this bachelor thesis is a review of hippos in Greece, Cyprus and Europe. The study analyzes the evolutionary relationship of hippos with other animals, as well as changes in their size and body characteristics over the years. Information on fossil hippos in Europe is limited, as they appear to have disappeared several thousand years ago, and a large percentage of them migrated rapidly to other areas during the glaciers. With this movement, they traveled to Greece, where remarkable fossils of the genus H. antiquus were found specifically in the basin of Mygdonia, and indicative bone measurements are given, which are presented in the work. Apart from Greece, the hippos arrived in Cyprus, where they were forced to adapt their bodies in such a way as to cope with their new habitat, which led to their so-called dwarfism. Numerous fossils of dwarf hippos were deposited in the collections of the Museum of Geology - Palaeontology - Palaeoanthropology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki by Professor Ioannis Melentis. In this very preliminary study, tables with indicative measurements are given, accompanied by rich photographic material from the main fossil bones of the pygmy hippopotamus from Cyprus.
In conclusion, hippos are animals whose existence is considered necessary for the healthy evolution of the food chain of the ecosystem to which they belong, and the discovery of fossils testifies information about the past that was not known to human. Their research and study is continuous and necessary for a full understanding of their evolutionary course, and their fossils give us information about the ancient environment of various areas.
Key words: Hippopotamus, fossils, Pleistocene, dwarfs
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Ελληνική βιβλιογραφία
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