Μελέτη της εφαρμογής της ηλεκτρικής τομογραφίας σε τομές πολύ μεγάλου μήκους = Study of the application of electrical resistivity tomography in very long sections.
The present thesis deals with an application of the electric tomography method to very long sections. By the term “very long sections” we refer to sections along which the electrode density varies. In particular, the electrodes are more sparse on the edges of the wires and evenly distributed in their center. Such an electrode configuration ensures that fewer electrodes are used and consequently, that the equipment is lighter and easier to handle during measurements. For the creation of measurement protocols, we constructed an algorithm in the programming environment Matlab, which produces protocols of varying or evenly distributed electrode configurations in short or large scales. The number of electrodes as well as type of configuration is given as an input by the user. The resulting protocols reproduce the traditional dipole-dipole and multiple gradient array configurations, as well as the new full range gradient array configuration. Additionally, the algorithm creates full protocols which reproduce a combination of the dipole-dipole and the full range gradient array configurations, as well as the optimized Jacobian matrix or sensitivity matrix configuration. In the present thesis, we produced two kinds of protocols: a protocol applicable to a configuration of 33 sparsely distributed electrodes on the edges and another applicable to a configuration of 48 evenly distributed electrodes. As a consistency check, the two kinds of electrode configurations were initially tested on a number of small and large-scale examples. As a result, the following two questions arise; to what extent is the image quality affected in the absence of few electrodes on the edges, and which of the array configurations, conventional or novel, can provide the most satisfactory results? It appears that reducing the number of electrodes on the edges of a section does not influence the overall quality of the inversion images. This statement is true for both small- and large-scale array protocols. The transition to a larger scale simply changes the number of measurements which are feasible due to the geometrical factor. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the two types of electrode configurations (sparse on the edges or evenly spaced) and the various types of array configurations (conventional or novel) yield similar images with satisfactory results. This statement is confirmed by mock-models of both small and large scale as well as by actual small-scale field measurements. Due to technical reasons we did not perform large-scale tomography, however the conclusions remain the same.
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