Μελέτη της σεισμικής έξαρσης στην περιοχή Soma/Kirkagac της Δυτικής Τουρκίας, 2019-2020 = Study of The seismic excitation in the Soma/Kirkagatc της δυτικής Τουρκίας, 2019-2020.
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to study the seismic exacerbation in the area of the cities of Soma and Kirkagac, in the period May 2019-May 2020. The main objectives of this thesis is to relocate the epicenters of the sequence’s earthquakes, to correlate the distribution of the epicenters with the area’s seismotectonic properties and to investigate in detail the geometry of the area that was activated. Initially, the seismotectonic setting of the study area is described and data on the seismicity of the area are given. Then the methodology followed for data acquisition and processing is analyzed and the method of relocating the epicenter coordinates is described. Ultimately, the spatial and temporal distribution of the earthquakes of the sequence and the description of the fault plane solutions for the strongest of them are performed. The spatial and temporal distributions are examined, in order to draw conclusions about the geometry of the region of study and the development of the sequence.
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