Νεοτεκτονική ΒΑ Αιγαίου (Λέσβος-Ρήγμα Αδραμυτίου) = Neotectonics of NE Aegean area (Lesvos-Edremit fault).
In the present thesis, a study took place in the area of the NE Aegean (Lesvos – Edremit Fault). The study area is part of an old important volcanic activity of the Miocene and also supports a complex tectonic structure, due to the fact that the island is inside an area where the southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault, the Edremit fault to the east, meets the Aegean Extensional System to the west. In order to investigate how the aforementioned regime affects the tectonic structure of volcanics rocks of Lesvos, I investigated separately the northern from the southern part of the island. According mainly to the detailed field observations, using the kinematic data and the striations of the structures, the ruptured surfaces were mapped in order to determine the compatible stress field geometry. Then the collected data were processed by the Win-Tensor program (Delvaux, 1993; Delvaux et al., 1995, 2013; Zain Eldeen et al., 2002; Delvaux and Sperner, 2003). It is an interactive software which was designed to determine the stress field geometry based on the geological data of the area (cracks, slip lines, joints, solutions of earthquake generation mechanisms, etc.). The determination of the directions of the main stress axes σ1, σ2, σ3 took place both with the method P-B-T axes and then with the improved method of right dihedral angles applied by the Win-Tensor program. Furthermore, in the present dissertation, the geomorphological-morphotectonic study of the area plays a very important role in order to understand the imprint of erosional process in a highly neotectonic deformed landscape. With the aim of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the ArcGIS software (ESRI version 10.3.1, 2015), digitization was done on topographic map sheets for Lesvos (HMGS 1:50.000, 1:5.000) and the northern part of Edremit Gulf. The DEM of the area was the basis both for the creation of thematic maps for the analysis of the relief and for further quantitative geomorphological analysis of the island. In the research area covered by products of Miocene volcanic activity (21.5-16 Ma), 6 fault zones were identified. The continuation of these ruptured zones is definitely located in the sea. In particular, there were identified: the rupture zone of Central Lesvos, the rupture zone SE of Mantamados, the rupture zone E of Kalloni, the rupture zone of Antissa, the rupture zone of Gavathas (NW of Lesvos) as well as the rupture zone of Vrisa-Vateron. Based on both the rural data and the data obtained from their processing with the Win-Tensor program, the following tectonic phases were distinguished, from the oldest to the newest: a (N1) extension stress phase with NW-SE direction and with σ1 in NE-SW direction that is responsible for the sinistral strike slip faults in NNW-SSE direction, a (N2) extension stress phase with NNE-SSW to NE-SW direction, a (N3) extension stress phase with WNW-ESE direction and with σ1 in NNE-SSW direction, which creates oblique faults in NNW-SSE to NNE-SSW direction, in which the dip slip component is stronger and from the Plistocete a (Ν4) extensional stress phase in NE-SW direction, where the σ1 is directed NW-SE particular in the area of the northern coast of Lesvos. In the area of the southern coast, from Eressos Village till Vatera, an extension stress phase with a direction of NW-SE prevails along with a σ1 heading NW-SE. Based on the results of the tectonic processing of the data in Lesvos island and the surrounding area of Edremit basin, the following conclusions are briefly listed: (a) in the northern part of Lesvos there is NE-SW extension with the faults measured of the area showing a significant dextral strike slip component, (b) in the southern part of the island the NNW-SSE to NW-SE extension is stronger than the extension with a NE-SW direction. Collecting more data from the field for the southern part would give a more complete picture of the area, (c) the type of dynamic tectonics that affects the area of Lesvos has a lot of common characteristics with that of the Riedel shear model for an area where a large fault with a strong right-lateral component is active, such as the Edremit fault. This model matches what has been proposed by the international literature for the active region of the northern Aegean (Pavlides S.B. et al., 1990, Chatzipetros A. et al. 2013, Sakellariou D. et al., 2018, Papanikolaou D. et al., 2019) and (d) the fact that extension stress regime develops in two directions, as demonstrated by the calculation of stress tensors after processing the field data, can be interpreted as the result of the action of a pull-apart basin within an area dominated by the tectonic shear regime (Allen & Allen, 2013).
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Διαδικτυακές Πηγές
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