Quaternary Chiroptera (Mammalia) from Loutra Almopias Cave A (Pella, Macedonia, Greece): systematics, phylogenetic relationships, biogeography, palaeoenvironment = Τα τεταρτογενή χειρόπτερα (Θηλαστικά) του σπηλαίου Α των Λουτρών Αλμωπίας (Πέλλα, Μακεδονία, Ελλάδα) : συστηματική, φυλογενετικές σχέσεις, βιογεωγραφία, παλαιοπεριβάλλον
The aim of the present Thesis is the examination of the chiropteran collection that has been retrieved from the two chronologically different fossiliferous assemblages of Loutra Almopias Cave A (Pella, Macedonia, Greece), which will contribute to the knowledge of the Quaternary bats of the Greek region and the Balkan Peninsula. The specimens retrieved from the cave’s floor sediments (LAC) are of Late Pleistocene age, whereas the specimens retrieved from the elevated chamber LAC Ia are of latest Pleistocene age. Attempts to date fossils failed due to their lack of collagen. The purpose was served by the first comprehensive systematic taxonomy and phenetic analysis of a fossil chiropteran fauna from the Greek region, correlation of the studied specimens with the two chronologically different faunal assemblages of the cave site and other modern and fossil assemblages from the Greek region and the broader region of the Balkan Peninsula, taphonomic analysis and a palaeoclimatological/palaeoecological approach. These were based on the determination of the 9004 chiropteran specimens according to their morphological and metrical characteristics, which resulted in the identification of 17 species from LAC and 20 from LAC Ia from three families (Rhinolophidae, Vespertilionidae, Miniopteridae) and nine genera (Rhinolophus, Myotis, Nyctalus, Pipistrellus, Vespertilio, Eptesicus, Plecotus, Barbastella, Miniopterus). Eight species described from Cave A are the first known records in Greece and one species is the first known record of a Late Pleistocene locality from the Balkan Peninsula. Nineteen species refer to the southernmost appearance of the Late Pleistocene of the Balkan Peninsula. Cave A served primarily as a nursery roost for many bats and secondarily as a warm refuge during colder periods. Predation from the European Eagle Owl, Bubo bubo, was opportunistic, indicating a mixed assemblage. Cave A acted as a refugium during the Pleistocene glacial oscillations and as a starting point for the repopulation of Central and Northern Europe after the Last Glacial Maximum. An increase in cold-adapted species is observed during the latest Pleistocene LAC Ia, which roughly coincides with the onset of Younger Dryas. The majority of the identified species are cave dwellers and have a preference for warm climatic conditions. A variety of different landscapes are used for foraging with a preference in mixed and/or forested areas with the presence of water bodies, being a must for a significant proportion of the identified taxa. The morphological characteristics of the chiropteran specimens from Cave A are similar to those of their extant representatives indicating only minor alterations to their body size apart from the body size of the Greater Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, which decreases from Late to latest Pleistocene, indicating its dependency on climate. The phenetic analysis of the chiropteran species from Cave A is the first ever conducted for Chiroptera from the Greek region and it confirms the reliability of the method for species discrimination of European bats. In conclusion, the Late Pleistocene bat fauna from Cave A is, up to date, the richest and most diverse not only from the Greek region, but from the Balkan Peninsula, too.
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Online Sources
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The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN), 2021, www.iucnredlist.org (downloaded on 26-04-2021)
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United Nations Environment Programme and EUROBATS (UNEP/EUROBATS), 2021, www.eurobats.org (downloaded on 14-04-2021)
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