Μελέτη επένδυσης τοιχωμάτων σε σήραγγες με εφαρμογή γεωφυσικών μεθόδων = Study of wall reinforcement in tunnels with the application of geophysical methods.
This master's thesis is a case study to investigate the applicability of the following geophysical methods in a tunnel environment. Specifically, the method of geo-radar and electrical tomography, in combination with the modeling of geo-radar data. The research area where the survey took place is the tunnel located in the area of the waterfalls of Edessa. The research carried out on the western wall of the tunnel mapped the metal reinforcement, the thickness of the reinforced concrete, the contact of the concrete with the travertine rock mass, moisture zones as well as possible discontinuities in the travertine formation. The combination of the above geophysical methods proved to be effective as it resulted to the mapping of multiple internal structures. Data modeling contributed significantly to the interpretation of geophysical profiles and contributed to the conclusions.
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