Ορυκτολογικά και χημικά χαρακτηριστικά Ελληνικών ζεολιθικών τόφφων και η επίδρασή τους στην παρεμπόδιση της ωοτοκίας του δάκου της ελιάς σε ελαιόκαρπους = Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of Greek zeolitic tuffs and their inhibitory effect on oviposition of the olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae.
The mineralogical and chemical characteristics of five different Greek zeolitic tuffs and their inhibitory effect on oviposition of the olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae, was evaluated. Samples Z1-Z4 were collected from layers of zeolite-rich sediments in the area of Petrota of Evros region, whereas sample Z5 was collected from zeolite-rich sediments of the island of Samos in East Aegean. The samples have porphyroblastic texture. Samples Z1-Z4 of Petrota contain clinoptilolite (zeolite), feldspars (potassium+plagioclase), cristobalite+quartz, micas (muscovite, biotite), celadonite±chlorite, fragments, and amorphous/vitreous mass. Sample Z5 of Samos Island contains altered zeolitic and clay material, analcime, potassium-feldspars, quartz, and amorphous/vitreous mass. Zeolitic tuff samples Z1-Z4 of Petrota consist of 54-68 wt% clinoptilolite (zeolite), 0-2 wt% micas, 0-1 wt% chlorite, 2-4 wt% cristobalite, 0-2 wt% quartz, 7-16 wt% feldspars (kali±plagioclase), and 18-25 wt% amorphous. Zeolitic tuff sample Z5 consists of 53 wt% analcime (zeolite), 1 wt% micas, 5 wt% quartz, 13 wt% kali-feldspars, and 28 wt% amorphous. The clinoptilolite (zeolite) of the zeolitic tuffs of the Evros region presents different mineral chemistry, mainly in terms of exchangeable cations (K, Ca, Na and Mg). The uptake ability of the zeolitic tuff samples of Evros region was measured and for the sample Z1 is 161 meq/100gr, for the sample Z2 is 132 meq/100gr, for the sample Z3 is 193 meq/100gr, for the sample Z4 is 181 meq/100gr and for the sample Z5 is 285 meq/100gr. In the laboratory, we studied the effect of five different zeolitic tuffs after appropriate processing (grain size <63μm) and their application as aqueous solutions alone or mixed with spreader and sticker adjuvants, on the inhibition of egg laying by females of the olive fruit fly. After their application as aquatic solutions, zeolitic tuffs had a deterrent effect on oviposition of olive fruit fly. Moreover, the effect of five different spreader and sticker adjuvants mixed with zeolitic tuff samples Z1 and Z3, which were the most effective, was studied. These, especially NU-FILM-P, were found to significantly improve the effectiveness of zeolitic tuffs. Furthermore, we determined the effect of temperature, relative humidity, artificial rain, and the residual activity. It was found that zeolitic tuffs inhibited females of the olive fly to lay their eggs on olive fruits, in all different levels of temperature (20⁰C, 25⁰C, 27⁰C and 30⁰C) and relative humidity (23%, 33%, 55%, 75% and 94%) tested. Zeolitic tuff Ζ3 was found to inhibit oviposition 7, 14 and 21 days after its application. Moreover, after exposure of the olive fruits in artificial rain, zeolitic tuff maintains its effect and considerably inhibits egg laying. The results of this thesis show that certain Greek zeolitic tuffs when applied on olives have a significant oviposition deterrent effect for adult females of the olive fruit fly. This effect seems to be attributed to the creation of a thin layer (hymen) of zeolitic tuff on the surface of the fruits. Future research is necessary for a perspective of wide applications of zeolitic tuff in the protection of olive production from the olive fruit fly.
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