Μεταλλογένεση ηφαιστειογενών κοιτασμάτων Cu τύπου Κύπρου = Volcanogenic massive deposits Cu Cyprus type.
This diploma thesis focuses on the study of volcanogenic massive deposits Cu Cyprus type. It concerns volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits (VMS) which are really important resource of mining Zn,Cu,Pb,Ag et. al.. There are three types of deposits: 1) Zn-Cu-pyrite “Norada type” , 2) Zn-Cu-Pb-pyrite “Kuroko type” and 3) Cu-pyrite “Cyprus type”. There have been many studies about geodynamic process of genesis,location and timing remain of deposits but the informations are not completely understood. Comparison many districts of the same criteria of deposits which are about geological events the conclusion is that exist connection between submarine volcanic action and sendimentary.
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