H δυναμική κοιτασμάτων σπανίων γαιών (REE) στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση = The potential of the rare earth elements (REE) deposits in the European Union.
It is widely known that China is the leading producer of REE in the world and hosts a wide variety of ore types. The competition in the world production of REE may be invaded by Europe, which has a wealth of primary deposits, especially in Greenland and Scandinavia and some occurrences in Central-Southern Europe (France, Great Britain, Iberian Peninsula, etc). Nevertheless, it has a plethora of secondary deposits that dominate the Mediterranean (Italy, Balkans, etc.) and possibly in Greece. Although REE are not currently mined in Europe, it is known that potential resources are widespread and the majority of them are still being explored. The most important European resources are related to alkaline igneous rocks and carbonatites. Although REE processing methods are constantly evolving, it is clear that meeting EU demand for REE in the future, on-going and long-term research is required to explore and discover new resources in Europe.
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