Γεωχημικές ανωμαλίες στη Θράκη = Geochemical anomalies in Thrace
The region of Thrace is characterized by multiple mineral occurrences which are directly related to the intense magmatism of the region. For this reason a significant number of studies have been carried out in the area, aiming at exploration for new mineral deposits and identifying environmental problems (a typical example is the area of Kirki). An integral tool of such research is the correct mapping of geochemical anomalies consisting of specific steps, each of which aims at the correct identification of anomalous geochemical patterns, the delimitation of the area of interest and its correct evaluation, whether it is a research for a deposit or identification of a contaminated land area. Ultimately, through the geochemical dispersion we can obtain information for the discovery of mineral deposits and the evaluation of contaminated areas.
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