Η Γεωπολιτική των Σπανίων Γαιών = The Geopolitics of Rare-Earth Elements.
The 21st century has been characterized as the most demanding in terms of mineral resources due to the great technological development that is taking place on our planet. The key to these modern technologies is a group of chemical elements, with unique properties, known as Rare-Earth Elements. The significance of these elements is confirmed by use of Rare-Earths as a means of exerting pressure on a geopolitical dispute between Japan and China in 2010. This fact alarmed a lot of countries and as a result most of these countries turned their attention to the research about Rare-Earth Elements. This diploma thesis focuses on the geopolitical importance of Rare-Earth Elements, the effects of Rare-Earth Crisis, the role of recycling in order to avoid similar crises in the future as well as the prospects of European and Greek rare earth deposits.
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