Γεωχημική σύγκριση πλουτωνικών πετρωμάτων Ερκύνιας ηλικίας της Πελαγονικής ζώνης και της μάζας της Ροδόπης = Geochemical comparative study of Pelagonian zone and Rhodope massif Hercynian plutonic rocks.
Λέξεις – κλειδιά: ορθογνεύσιος, γρανίτης, γεωχημεία, Ερκύνια, Πελαγονική, Ροδόπη, Strandja.
A geochemical study of Hercynian plutons of the Pelagonian zone, Rhodope massif and Strandja zone is carried out. The plutons of Pelagonian show a wide lithological spectrum from mafic lithologies like gabbros, diorites to late-stage aplitic veins. However, an important difference is the absence of basic rocks from the last two areas. Specifically, in Pelagonian the SiO2 of the rocks ranges from 46.12 to 81.9%, whereas in Rhodope and Strandja there are no rocks from 46.12 to 61.79%. Geochemistry indicate a mainly peraluminous, but also metaluminous trend with high K2O content, equivalent to calc – alkaline, high – K calc – alkaline and shoshonitic series. Major and trace element composition is typical of volcanic arc granites, syn – collisional granites and within – plate granites. The petrographical and geochemical characteristics of the plutons suggest the lithological spectrum is the result of magmatic differentiation. The geochemical similarities in normalized multi – element diagrams can be used as an indicator for rocks of the same source of origin.
Keywords: orthogneiss, granite, geochemistry, Hercynian, Pelagonian, Rhodope, Strandja.
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