Κοιτάσματα Πορφυριτικού Χαλκού = Porphyry copper deposits.
The aim of this diploma thesis is the study and usefulness of porphyry copper (Cu) deposits. These deposits are widespread and their demand is increasing. Originally, the formation of this type of deposit is due to plate convergence environments. It is one of the major sources of Cu, Mo, Au, and Ag. On the basis of the evolution of hydrothermal fluids, four alteration zones are observed, which are distributed from the center to the periphery as follows: K-potassic, phyllic, argillic and propylitic. The porphyry type deposits have a particular economic interest for Cu minerals such as chalcopyrite, bornite, enargite, chalcosite, cuprite, azurite, malachite, covelite, and chrysocolla. Of particular interest are the precious metals found in these deposits including gold and the platinum group metals (PGM). Therefore, the research interest has focused on discovering new sources of these metals. Some important examples of porphyry systems are discussed in this diploma thesis. These deposits are found in Lemnos and Skouries of Greece, Elatsite of Bulgaria, Mamut and Ok tedi. Concerning the region of Skouries the intersection between Pt, Pd, Bi has particular interest.
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• http:/www.indicoresources.com/s/CopperPorphyryDeposits.asp
• orykta.gr/oryktes-protes-yles-tis-ellados/metalleytika-orykta/130-halkopyrites
• copperalliance.gr/about-copper-and-its-alloys-resources
• orykta.gr/geologia-oryktologia/oryktoi-poroi-koitasmatologia
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