Ανατομία και προοπτικές του ελληνικού κλάδου των βιομηχανικών ορυκτών και πετρωμάτων : γύψος = Anatomy and prospects of the greek industrial sector of minerals and rocks: gypsum.
The objective of the present research was the presentation and description of the properties of gypsum, its basic geological elements and the conditions of its formation. Moreover the world production and reserves of gypsum were recorded, with emphasis on the production capacity and reserves of Greece. Gypsum is mainly used in the construction, industrial, agricultural, artistic and medical sectors. Gypsum can be obtained by applying surface or underground mining techniques. The method that is used depends on the thickness and the slope of the deposit, the supernatants and the repousse of the area. The final choice of the method depends on a variety of factors (such as costs, water reserves, impurities contained in the gypsum, competition etc) and depending on the chosen procedure, the quality of the gypsum can be affected accordingly. The United States of America is the largest producer of gypsum worldwide, with its production reaching 20 million tons in 2019. Chine and Iran are second in the gypsum production with 16 million tons each. The rapid increase in the usage of gypsum boards in combination with the emergence of new gypsum construction products that use environmentally friendly products, have increased the production of gypsum in these countries. In Europe (including all countries and not just the Member States of the European Union), the annual turnover of the gypsum industry is estimated around 9,7€ billion. There are 154 quarries with the number of construction sites for the production of natural gypsum counting for 160. The industry employs around 28.000, while it is estimated that the industry provides indirect work to about 300.000 employees. Gypsum is not a key industrial mineral in Greece, as the country is a world leader in the production of perlite, bentonite and pumice. Intense international competition and the emergence of higher qualitative products than the Greek, combined with low prices due to the exchange rates (eg with the corresponding prices in Turkey), and the reduced cement production are expected to lead to a significant reduction in domestic demand in the forthcoming years, leaving a significant amount of gypsum unusable.
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