Μορφολειτουργική ανάλυση και παλαιοοικολογία της αντιλόπης Tragoportax από την ανωμειοκαινική θέση Βαθύλακκος – 4, της κοιλάδας του Αξιού = Morphofunctional analysis and paleoecology of the Tragoportax antelope from the Anomieocene site Vathilakkos - 4 of the valley of Axios.
The subject of this dissertation is the morphofunctional analysis and paleoecology of the antelope Tragoportax rugosifrons, whose bones were recovered during the excavations from the Late Miocene fossil site Vathilakkos -4. More specifically, several methodologies are used in the ecomorphological research to ensure the most accurate and complete control of the conclusions drawn, bearing in mind the quantitative and qualitative differentiation of the phenotypic characteristics of the animal for its adaptation to the respective habitat. The PAST - palaeontological statistical analysis program - was used for the analysis. The conclusions are related to the conservation status of the osteological material, age, dietary and paleoecological adaptations of Tragoportax rugosifrons.
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