Η διαχρονική εξέλιξη της γεωθερμικής έρευνας στην Ελλάδα = The geothermal exploration activities in Greece during th past 50 years.
The geothermal exploration in Greece started during the 1970’s. Initially, it focused on the investigation of high enthalpy geothermal systems (T>90?C) in the area of the South Aegean Active Volcanic Arc, mainly in Milos and Nisyros. Later on, it shifted to the exploration of low enthalpy reservoirs (30-90?C) in northern Greece and in several central and north Aegean islands. This thesis presents the geothermal exploration activities in Greece during the last forty-five years, as well as the main characteristics of the discovered geothermal systems in each study area. Based on published data, the geothermal exploration has, so far, revealed the existence of more than forty areas of geothermal interest, most of which have been classified as “geothermal fields”. Three of them, are confirmed fields of national interest, with temperatures above 90? C (Milos, Nisyros, Aristino). Currently, geothermal exploration activities are in progress in a few known low enthalpy fields of northern Greece; however, new projects are expected to begin soon in Milos, Kimolos, Nisyros, Lesvos and Methana.
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