Ανάλυση πιεζομετρίας στην περιοχή ενδιαφέροντος ΕΥΑΘ ανατολικά του ποταμού Αξιού = Water level analysis in the area of interest of EYATh east of Axios river.
In recent decades there has been a significant increase in the population of Thessaloniki, which has created the need to increase drinking water reserves. EYATH, which is responsible for the water supply of the urban complex of Thessaloniki and the surrounding areas, as a solution to this problem, in 2003 completed the construction of the aqueduct of Aliakmonas, which covers almost half of the needs of the area. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is the analysis of piezometry in the area of interest of EYATH in the eastern riverside area of Axios, specifically for the period 1997-2007, and the possible influence of the Aliakmonas aqueduct facilities on the exploitable underground aquifer. The area of interest is located east of the river Axios, on the east side of the Thessaloniki - Giannitsa plain. Geologically it is located on the border of the Circum-Rhodope Zone with the Axios zone. The formations found in the area are mainly clay, sand, and cobblestones in various combinations with each other, which shows the strong river action in the area. The water supply in the area is of great significance and is located mostly in the porous formations of Quaternary age. For the needs of the work, data were collected and presented for ten drills of EYATH. These drills are A05, A07, A17, A18, A20, A22, A26, A27, A28 and A30 and are all located in the eastern riverside area of Axios. For each drill, a water level fluctuation diagram was created, with measurements of the static level carried out by EYATH during the period 1997-2007. In addition, using the Surfer program, piezometric maps of the area were constructed for July and November 2003 and for May and October 2007. From the analysis of all the above data, it can be concluded that the groundwater level started to increase from late 2003 onwards, a fact that can be attributed to the operation of the Aliakmonas aqueduct.
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