Η επίδραση της ανισοτροπίας των τάσεων στις καθιζήσεις ταμιευτήρων από παραγωγή υδρογονανθράκων = The influence of stress anisotropy in reservoir compaction from hydrocarbon production.
A finite element geomechanical model was created using ABAQUS software to analyze the compaction over a hydrocarbon reservoir at Prinos field. The model simulated the subsidence of the rocks as a result of hydrocarbon production. Specifically, the production field is located in Greece, in the sea area between the island of Thasos and the well-known Rhodope mass. Hydrocarbon production was simulated from a sandstone reservoir and three overburden evaporite series. The analysis was performed for two cases, for normal fault and for reverse fault stress conditions. For each case, three different assumptions were applied depending on the volume of fluid production, each one analyzed for different anisotropy ratios, from isotropic to very anisotropic.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
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Πηγές διαδικτύου
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