
Τεύχος Τίτλος
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Evaluation of Sea-level Rise Impact on Cemented and Uncemented Beach. Case Study from Thassos Island, Greece  PDF
Δ. Ψωμιάδης, Κ. Αλμπανάκης, Π. Τσούρλος
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Mineralogical-Geochemical Study of Uranium Bearing Granite Phases in Paranesti Area, N. Greece  PDF
Φ. Περγαμαλής, Ε. Δ. Καραγεωργίου, Α. Κουκουλής, Ι. Κατσίκης
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Hologene palaeoenvironmental changes in the Romanian Black Sea shelf  PDF
G. Oaie, M.C. Melinte-Dobrinescu, A. Briceag, M. Stoika, R.D. Roban
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Tectonic deformation and hydrogeological pattern in fissured rocks and karstic systems. Examples from the Pelion Mt and Mani peninsula, Greece  PDF
Γεώργιος Π. Μιγκίρος, Ι. Παπανικολάου, Γεώργιος Ν. Σταμάτης
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) First report of Stromatocystites (Echinodermata) from the MIddle Cambrian of Turkey: Palaeobiogeographic implications  PDF
B. Lefebvre, I. Hosgor, E. Nardin, O. Fatka, , M. C. Goncuoglu
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Seismogenic magnetic activity study  PDF
V. Korepanov, F. Dudkin
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Late Eocene-Oligocene palaeogeography of Thrace Basin and its relationship with eastern Thrace Basin  PDF
L. Karadenizli, S. Sen
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Hydrochemistry and isotope composition of spring waters in Aydincid, Mersin (Turkey)  PDF
Z. Hatipoglu-Bagci
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Separate Eocene-Early Oligocene and Miocene stages of extension and core complex formation in the western Rhodopes (Bulgaria)  PDF
N. Georgiev, J. Pleuger, N. Froitzheim, S. Sarov, S. Jahn-Awe, T. J. Nagel
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Use of the optical porosimetry for monitoring of deteriorative laboratory tests impacts on natural and agglomerated stone  PDF
T. Durmekova, A. Janega
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Along arc geochemical variations in hydrothermal activity in the south Aegean volcanic arc : ancient and modern  PDF
D. S. Cronan, Σωτήριος Π. Βαρνάβας
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Radiolarian biostratigraphy of supraophiolitic cretaceous metalliferous sediments of Cyprus (Perapedhi formation)  PDF
L. G. Bragina, N. Yu. Bragin
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) On pliocene mammal remains in the earea of Epanomi (Macedonia, Greece)  PDF
Α. Αθανασίου, Δημήτρης Κωστόπουλος
Τόμ. 100 (2010) Palaeoclimate reconstructions for the late miocene in southeast Bulgaria using pollen data from the Tundzha basin  PDF
Dimiter A. Ivanov
Τόμ. 100 (2010) Socioeconomic influence of natural disasters in the western Balkan countries  PDF
B. Abolmasov, S. Mihalic, G. Hadzi-Nikovic, M. Marjanovic, M. Krkac
Τόμ. 99 (2010) Application of skeletonization on geophysical images  PDF
Ε. Κόκκινου, Χ. Παναγιωτάκης, Α. Σαρρής
Τόμ. 99 (2010) Mammalian remains from a new site near the classical locality of Pikermi (Attica, Greece)  PDF
Γεωργίου Ε. Θεοδώρου, Σ. Ι Ρουσσιάκης, Α. Αθανασίου, Ανέστης Α. Φιλιππίδης
Τόμ. 98 (2006) Biostatistical investigation of long bones and metapodial bones of ursus spelaeus and ursus deningeri  PDF
Kerstin Athen
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Ground penetrating radar investigation of Gonen Tumulus in Isparta/Turkey  PDF
E. Yigit, H. Bilge
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Using of GPR method for examination of post-glacial deposits in the alp of Ornak (the Tatra Mountains)  PDF
S. Tomeka-Suchon, T. Golebiowski
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Metamorphic sole in the northernmost part of the Vardar Zone Western Branch (Village Tejici, Mt. Povlen, Western Serbia)  PDF
D. Sreckovic-Batocanic, V. Matovic, N. Vaskovic, K. Balogh
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Reconstructing prehistoric landscapes in tectonically active regions: the Corinth and North Evuia prehistoric lakes during LGM  PDF
Δ. Θ. Σακελλαρίου, Βασίλειος Λυκούσης, Γ. Ρουσάκης
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Petrology and geodynamics: findings from Dinarides - Hellenides and adjoining regions  PDF
G. Poli, Γεώργιος Χριστοφίδης, V. Cvetkovic, D. Perugini, Αντώνιος Α. Κορωναίος
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Tectonostratigraphic observations in the western Thrace Basin in Greece and correlations with the eastern part in Turkey  PDF
Ν. Παπανικολάου, Μ. Β. Τριανταφύλλου
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) The exposed base of a collapsing wedge - the Nestos Shear Zone (Rhodope Metamorphic Province, Greece)  PDF
T. J. Nagel, S. Schmidt, M. Janak, N. Froitzheim, S. Jahn-Awe, N. Georgiev
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