
Τεύχος Τίτλος
Τόμ. 100 (2010) Arsenic distribution in laterite deposits of the Balkan Peninsula  PDF
Δ. Γ. Ηλιόπουλος, Μ. Οικονόμου-Ηλιοπούλου
Τόμ. 99 (2010) New hippopotamid finds in Eurotas valley (Lakonia, Greece)  PDF
Α. Αθανασίου, Δ. Μπούζος
Τόμ. 100 (2010) Fluids related to remobilization of mesozoic sulfide mineralization in the Eptadendro - Rachi region in eastern Rhodope, Thrace, Greece  PDF
Β. Μέλφος, Α. Χατζηκύρκου, Κ. Μ. Μιχαηλίδης, Π. Βουδούρης
Τόμ. 100 (2010) Assessment of heavy metals concentrations in sediments of Bogdanas river at the Assiros-Lagadas area, northern Greece  PDF
Α. Ν. Γιούρη, Κ. Χριστοφορίδης, Β. Μέλφος, Μιχάλης Κ. Βαβελίδης
Τόμ. 99 (2010) Crystallization conditions of the xanthi plutonic complex (Rhodope massif, N. Greece): geothermometry and geobarometry  PDF
Γεώργιος Χριστοφίδης, Λ. Παπαδοπούλου, Τ. Σολδάτος, Αντώνιος Α. Κορωναίος
Τόμ. 99 (2010) Miocene charophyta of maoce, Pljevlja (northern Montenegro)  PDF
N. Krstic, I. Soulie-Marsche, J. Zic, D. Dordevic-Milutinovic, Lj. Savic
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Using of GPR method for examination of post-glacial deposits in the alp of Ornak (the Tatra Mountains)  PDF
S. Tomeka-Suchon, T. Golebiowski
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Metamorphic sole in the northernmost part of the Vardar Zone Western Branch (Village Tejici, Mt. Povlen, Western Serbia)  PDF
D. Sreckovic-Batocanic, V. Matovic, N. Vaskovic, K. Balogh
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Reconstructing prehistoric landscapes in tectonically active regions: the Corinth and North Evuia prehistoric lakes during LGM  PDF
Δ. Θ. Σακελλαρίου, Βασίλειος Λυκούσης, Γ. Ρουσάκης
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Petrology and geodynamics: findings from Dinarides - Hellenides and adjoining regions  PDF
G. Poli, Γεώργιος Χριστοφίδης, V. Cvetkovic, D. Perugini, Αντώνιος Α. Κορωναίος
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Tectonostratigraphic observations in the western Thrace Basin in Greece and correlations with the eastern part in Turkey  PDF
Ν. Παπανικολάου, Μ. Β. Τριανταφύλλου
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) The exposed base of a collapsing wedge - the Nestos Shear Zone (Rhodope Metamorphic Province, Greece)  PDF
T. J. Nagel, S. Schmidt, M. Janak, N. Froitzheim, S. Jahn-Awe, N. Georgiev
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Organic matter composition and maturity of the Callovian (Middle Jurassic) sediments from Lithuania  PDF
L. Marynowski, M. Zaton, L. Karwowski
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Lake Van Drilling Project "Paleo Van"  PDF
S. Krastel, T. Litt, F. Anselmetti, R. Kipfer, , S. Orcen, N. Cagatay, D. Cukur
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Geology and minerals of Kosovo - perspectives for national development  PDF
A. Knobloch, C. Legler, A. Barth, A. Rexhaj
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Structural and geochronological evidence for Palaeogene shearing in the Rhodope Mountains (SW Bulgaria)  PDF
S. Jahn-Awe, N. Froitzheim, T. J. Nagel, D. Frei, J. Pleuger, N. Georgiev
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Reconstructing the rotational landslide near Frixa (Greece, Peloponnese) with a combination of different geophysical methods and terrestrial laser scanning  PDF
C. Grutzner, T. Wiatr, K. Reicherter, T. Fernandez-Steeger, Ι. Παπανικολάου
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic suprasubduction regional metamorphism, granitoid magmatism and geodynamics of the Caucasus  PDF
I. Gamkrelidze, D. Shengelia, T. Tsutsunava, O. Dudauri, G. Chichinadze, M. Togonidze, K. Chikhelidze, L. Shubitidze
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) U/Pb zircon geochronology on TTG rocks from south Carpathians (Romania) : insights into the geologic history of the Getic Crystalline basement  PDF
A. Dobrescu, M. Tiepolo, E. Negulescu, D. Dordea
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Late Triassic, Early and Middle Jurassic Radiolaria from ferromanganese-chert nodules (Angelokastron, Argolis, Greece) : evidence for prolonged radiolarite sedimentation in the Vardar-Meliata Ocean  PDF
M. Chiari, P. O. Baumgartner, D. Bernoulli, V. Bortolotti, M. Marcucci, Α. Δ. Φωτιάδης, G. Principi
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Qanats between Menikion and Pangeon Mountains : a forgotten and endangered resource for local water supply  PDF
O. Blumenstein, Herbert Weingartner, Μιχάλης Κ. Βαβελίδης
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Petrographic characteristics of some middle Triassic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks in the External Dinarides (Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina)  PDF
D. Aljinovic, T. Kolar-Jurkovsek, B. Jurkovsek, H. Hrvatovic
Τόμ. 100 (2010) The geotourist development on the example of the area of Jasieniowa mt. (western Carpathians flysch, Poland)  PDF
P. Dmytrowski, M. Gorna
Τόμ. 100 (2010) Metaophiolite association in the Rhodope massif as a stratigraphical and structural marker  PDF
E. Kozhoukharova
Τόμ. 99 (2010) The morpho-tectonic structure of Kos - Nisyros - Tilos volcanic area based on onshore and offshore data  PDF
Π. Νομικού, Δ Παπανικολάου
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