
Τεύχος Τίτλος
Τόμ. 99 (2010) Geomorphological characteristics of Kratovo-Zletovo palaeovolcanic area  PDF
I. Milevski
Τόμ. 99 (2010) The Black Sea - an energy crossroads and/or an unconventional energy and resource center in Europe  PDF
D. Dimitrov, P. Dimitrov, V. Peychev
Τόμ. 98 (2006) Human modifications on cave bear bones from the Gargas cave (Hautes-Pyrenees, France)  PDF
Carole Vercoutere, Juan-Foucher Cristina San, Pascal Foucher
Τόμ. 98 (2006) Preface  PDF
Γεώργιος Χριστοφίδης
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Sulfate redistribution in the convective clouds  PDF
D. Vujovic, M. Curic
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) An olistolith with continuous latest Bajocian to late enomanian pelagie deposition within the Bornova Flysch Zone in Western Turkey : Radiolarian Assemblages  PDF
U.K. Tekin, M. C. Goncuoglu, S. Uzuncimen
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Contribution of gravity data interpretation to the seismotectonic model compilation-an example from Bulgaria EC8 implementation  PDF
S. Simeonova, P. Trifonova, D. Solakov, P. Stavrev
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) An evaluation of High Resolution Mapping Techniques for Documenting Submerged Archaelogical Sites  PDF
C. Roman, G. Inglis, D. Coleman, R. Ballard, B. Buxton, T. Turanli, K. L. Croff
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Olistostromes and olistoliths: a historical review and modern perspectives  PDF
G. A. Pini, A. Camerlenghi, K. Ogata, A. Festa, D. S. Cowan, R. Urgeles
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Triassic rift-type basalts and related deep-water sediments in the western ophiolite belt of the Hellenides-Dinarides (from Othrys Mts., Greece to Darno Hill, NE Hungury)  PDF
L.. Palinkas, S. Kovacs, F. Molnar, J. Haas, S. Jozsa, L. Dosztaly, Z. Gulasci, G. Kiss, Sz. Kover, P. Ozsvart, T. Mikes, H. Halamic, H. Hrvatovic, M. Sudar, D. Jovanovic, N. Djeric, , Γεώργιος Π. Μιγκίρος, Ν. Παπανικολάου, Βασίλης Τσελεπίδης
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) A review of age constraints of epithermal precious and base metal deposits of the Tertiary eastern Rhodopes : coincidence with late Eocene-early Oligocene tectonic plate reorganization along the Tethys  PDF
R. Moritz, I. Marton, M. Ortelli, P. Marchev, Π. Βουδούρης, N. Bonev, R. Spikings, M. Cosca
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) The uranium capturing by Fe/Mn glaebules of some quaternary paleosols of Italy  PDF
D. Magaldi
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) The geochemistry and petrogenesis of volcanic rocks within ophiolitic formations at the Northeast Othris Region, Greece  PDF
Π. Κουτσοβίτης, Ανδρέας Κ. Μαγγανάς
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) "Green Walls" : microbiology of algae growing on sandstone walls and implications for the impacts of climate change on cultural heritage  PDF
S. Khawaja
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Uranium and Thorium content in bone phases studies - a step to U-series dating of fossil bones  PDF
H. Hercman, G. Sujka
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Petrological and petrochemical characteristics of the rocks of the Kushla caldera, east Rhodope massif  PDF
S. Georgiev, B. Yordanov, R. Nedyalkov
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) First occurrence of rodingite in central Serbia  PDF
S. Dusanic, P. Tancic, D. Popovic
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Jurassic to Early Cretaceous sediments of the Transdanubian range, Hungary - a unique tectonic unit within the Alpine - Carpathian system and its palaeogeographic provenance  PDF
G. Csaszar, H.-J. Gawlick
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Geomorphologic landscapes of the central part of northern Eurasia  PDF
V. Bronguleev, M. Zhidkov, A. Makarenko
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Large Scale geoelectrical survey of the Sarantaporon basin (Thessaly, Greece)  PDF
Α Ατζέμογλου, Π. Τσούρλος
Τόμ. 100 (2010) [Επιτροπές]  PDF
Τόμ. 100 (2010) Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and climate change in south eastern Europe (neogene karlovo lignites, central Bulgaria)  PDF
M. Stefanova, S. P. Marinov, A. Zdravkov, J. Kortenski
Τόμ. 100 (2010) Natural reservoir systems in the tertiary section of the east Rhodope depression and perspectives for storage of natural gas and carbon dioxide  PDF
V. Balinov, M. Doncheva, E. Zaneva-Dobranova
Τόμ. 99 (2010) Seismic image of the top of Jurassic structure under polish outer Carpathians in the zone southeast of Krakow  PDF
P. Marzec, K. Pietsch, J. Golonka, R. Florek
Τόμ. 99 (2010) Ground surface movements in the area of salt exploitation in Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina)  PDF
R. Celikovic, R. Dervisevic, I. Sijercic, R. Salihovic, F. Mancini, F. Stecchi
176 - 200 από 500 Στοιχεία << < 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 > >> 

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