Exploration of trade structures of rice and wood sectors. Case study on agricultural - forest trade networks and intra industry trade
The aim of the present thesis is the exploration of trade structures of rice and wood sectors. Social Network Analysis is used for investigation of agricultural and forest trade networks. Main goal of this study is to analyze international agricultural market, applying network theory. Particularly, centrality measures will be used. The countries will be ranked in hierarchies of import-export relations and these hierarchies will be visualized. Networks are dynamically described within and between 2011 and 2015 years. The benefit that is received from representing the inter country trade as a network of either trade partnerships or trade flows is the possibility to depict the interaction between trading countries and their hierarchies which otherwise remain indiscernible. Moreover, another advantage from network analysis is the detection of possible correlations between the hierarchical position of the countries inferred from network variables and their non-network characteristics resulting from conventional economic indicators. Each network is examined in weighted form, taking into consideration the economic value of trade flows and unweighted form that considers only the bilateral trade partnerships.
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