Ρήγματα στον αστικό ιστό της Θεσσαλονίκης και η σεισμική επικινδυνότητά τους.
The Hellenic area, due to its distinctive geotectonic position, represents one of the most seismically active regions. This seismic regime applies to Northern Greece as well, localized in main active fault zones (Mygdonia basin, North Aegean Trough etc.), where the epicenters of destructive earthquakes can be detected, such as the June 1978 earthquake (M_S=6.5 VIII+, Stivos, Papazachos et al., 1979a, b) which turned out to be one of the most devastating occurrences for the city of Thessaloniki. As a result, it is crucial that all the seismic faults, that could possibly pose a threat to the city of Thessaloniki, as well as surrounding regions, be taken into consideration and further investigation.
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www.emidius.eu (European Archive of Historical Earthquake Data)
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