Υδρογεωλογικές συνθήκες και συνθήκες ύδρευσης της περιοχής της Μυτιλήνης. = Hydrogeological conditions and aquifer supply in Mitilene area.
The subject of this present Bachelor Thesis for the area of Mytilene was prepared during the winter months within the undergraduate study cycle at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.T.H) and concerns the research of the hydrogeological conditions and water supply conditions of Mytilene the capital of the island of Lesvos. Available data for the present Bachelor Thesis was received from a) D.E.Y.A Lesvos, b) H.S.A (Hellenic Statistics Agency) c) H.N.M.S (Hellenic National Meteorological Service), as from earlier studies that took place in the surrounding area. This Bachelor Thesis consists of nine units. The first unit which is the introduction, analyses the structure followed and the aim of this Bachelor Thesis. The second unit defines the place of the research and there is a satellite image display by using of Google Earth Pro programme. The third unit records the population data as well as the data for the required amount of water needed by the residents of Mytilene. Furthermore, this unit estimates the population growth in Mytilene with help of Mathematics. In the fourth unit, there is a bibliographical reference of the geological structure and the geomorphological features of the island of Lesvos. In the fifth unit there is a recording of climatic data and a new data recording that emerged from this present Bachelor Thesis. In the sixth unit analyses the hydrogeological conditions of Lesvos. The seventh unit examines the water supply conditions of Mytilene and data recorded by using the ARCGIS 10.1 are displayed on map. The eighth unit lists data of quality water analysis. The ninth unit includes the conclusions that arised from the preparation of this present Bachelor Thesis.
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