Διερεύνηση των αιτιών διάβρωσης των δομικών λίθων από τα ιερά της Δήμητρας και του Ασκληπιού στο Δίον.
In southern Macedonia, on the eastern outskirts of Olympus lies Dion, the sacred city of the ancient Macedonians. The city began to develope from the late 6th century B.C. and prospers until the 4th century AD. The sanctuaries are located outside the city walls, including the Sanctuary of Demeter, the oldest in northern Greece and the sanctuary of Asclepius.
The buildings of two sanctuaries are preserved at low altitudes, mostly the structural foundation of stones. Since 1973, with the beginning of the excavation, started their exposure to environmental factors in the region. This has caused changes in building materials over time. The purpose of this study is to identify and record the forms of erosion that occurred both on the surface and inside the building stone and thus contribute to their protection. Initially a complete mineralogical study of the rocks, found in both sanctuaries, was held using optical and electron microscopy. Then the types of corrosion kinds and products observed in the various rocks were recorded and significantly the development of patina, crusts of various colors, biological deposits, sulfation on their surface. Pilot projects were subsequently carried out with coating materials for the selection of the material that will produce the maximum desired results as regards to the protection of monuments.
From the combination of laboratory experiments and in situ IR thermometer measurements follow safe results concerning about the deterioration problems of the materials. The surface of the building materials are partially covered by the weathering products of the primary minerals such as secondary calcite and dolomite precipitated from water solutions, and recrystallized calcite and dolomite. Limited presence of crystallized salts on the surface or inside the pores of the materials is observed. Absence of significant amounts of various ions such as chlorides, nitrates or sulphates is observed in the rain and surface waters. The main weathering factor of the materials is the moisture penetration due to capillary action. In sunny conditions, moisture penetrates into the materials only by capillary absorption, while in wet conditions rain water and environmental humidity contribute also to the total moisture absorption. The existence of water in the bulk of the materials due to capillary penetration correlated with an intensive surface and underground water presence in the whole surrounding area lead to loss of the structural cohesion and the surface instability of the building materials. The study and identification of rock building materials, corrosion factors and products, are the starting point for the organization of the maintenance plan including the selection and therefore the application of appropriate methods and materials for cleaning, fixing and protect the building materials of the sanctuaries of Demeter and Asclepius of Dion archaeological area. This thesis entitled 'Investigation of corrosion factors of the building stones from the temples of Demeter and Asclepius in the Archaeological Site of Dion' prepared in Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece but essentially spread in the following sections: History and Archaeology, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Civil Engineering and Meteorology because of interdisciplinarity.
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