Θέματα τεχνικογεωλογικής συμπεριφοράς και προσωρινής υποστήριξης βραχομαζών κατά την διάνοιξη της σήραγγας Πέτρας στον Κάθετο Άξονα της Εγνατίας Οδού "Ξάνθη-Εχίνος-Ελληνοβουλγαρικά Σύνορα" = Issues of engineering geological behavior and temporary supporting measures of rockmasses during the excavation of Petra tunnel in the Vertical Axis of the Egnatia Highway “Xanthi-Echinos-Greekboulgarian borders".
This Master thesis deals with the geological - engineering geological evaluation of the rockmass and the suggestions for temporary support measures for the Petra tunnel (S2N) in the Vertical Axis of the Egnatia Highway “Xanthi-Echinos-Greekboulgarian borders”. The tunnel is a real example, as is the data used. Its construction has not yet been completed, which is a challenge for this master thesis, in terms of investigating the expected conditions and the behavior of the rock mass along the tunnel. The short length of the tunnel (170m), the good quality of the rock mass of the post-orogenetic volcanic formations of the area (tuffs and breccia), the high construction altitude (~1050m) and the sparse seismicity of the area, constitute favorable conditions for the tunnel construction. On the other hand, the peculiarities of the molasse-type formations, that are a challenge during the design and construction of the project, are also present. Following the collection of bibliographic data for the area and the examined rock mass and after the recording of a theoretical background for the temporary support measures, a statistical analysis of the engineering geological parameters of the examined rock mass is performed, both for the wider and narrower area of the tunnel. These parameters are related with the engineering geological characteristics of the rockmass, which have been evaluated according to the classification systems (GSI, RQD, RMR, weathering) and also related with laboratory (e.g. σci, Is(50)) and field (e.g. permeability) data, recorded in registers. In addition to the geological, engineering geological longitudinal sections and cross-sections for the “Petra” tunnel are designed. According to the above, engineering geological units answered along the tunnel, are described, as well as the design parameters for each engineering geological unit are extracted, through the application of the Hoek-Brown criterion. Thereafter, the expected failure mechanism for each engineering geological unit is estimated according to the Tunnel Behavior Chart (TBC), while, in the underground, wedge failures are specified using the “Unwedge” program, by Rocscience. Kinematic analyzes for the slopes of the portals of “Petra” tunnel are performed to investigate any potential plane, wedge or topple failures, while stability analyzes are performed for plane and wedge failures. Finally, depending on the failure mechanism, types of temporary support measures for each engineering geological unit along the tunnel are mainly qualitatively suggested, as well as the modus of tunnel excavation.
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