H Γεωπολιτική των Σπάνιων Γαιών = The policy of Rare Earth Elements.
Rare earth elements are a special group of 17 metals, 15 of which belong to the lanthanide group (57La to 71Lu) of the Periodic Table plus scandium (21Sc) and yttrium (39Y). These elements present unique magnetic, phosphorescent and catalytic properties, thus they have became irreplaceable in the high-tech industry and «green» technology. Naturally, they appear within the crystalline structure of various minerals but systematic exploitation is achieved only in monazite, bastnasite and xenotime. Rare earth element deposits are found in different and unusual geological environments such as in carbonatites, in peralkaline or alkaline igneous rocks, in ion-absorption type deposits, in placer-type deposits, in phosphorites etc. The largest deposits in the world are located in China, at Bayan Obo and at Maoniuping, in U.S.A at Mountain Pass and in Australia at Mount Weld. Important occurrences of rare earth elements in Europe for future exploitation are the Norra Kärr deposit in Sweden, the Ilímaussaq deposit in Greenland and the Lovozero deposit in the west side of Russia. In Greece significant contents of rare earth elements are found in the black sands of Kavala area, in the black sands of Mykonos and Naxos islands and in the bauxites-laterites of Central Greece where mining for Al and Fe-Ni already takes place. In recent years, countries other than China have begun exploration projects for rare earth deposits and have increased their production in order to become independent of China’s control. This policy is being implemented by European Union, and Greece could play an important role, along with other countries, in achieving this goal.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
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• https://www.rsc.org/periodic-table/element/39/yttrium
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• http://www.orykta.gr/oryktes-protes-yles-tis-ellados/metalleytika-orykta/131-boxitis)
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