Επεξεργασία και ερμηνεία μετρήσεων από αέρος ακτινοβολίας γάμμα στην περιοχή του Kongsberg, S. Norway = Processing and interpretation of airbone gamma-ray data in the Kongsberg area, S. Norway.
In 1896 Bequerel discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity, followed by the development of a new class of geophysical methods, radiometric methods. Historically, there has been a significant development in recording instruments, starting with first to third generation spectrometers. The spectrometers are transported by helicopters over the observation surface to record gamma radiation. The natural sources of radiation are the 3 radioisotopes: uranium (U), thorium (Th) and potassium (K), which are measured in windows, in ppm for the elements U and Th and % for the element K. The NGU carried out the 2008 a survey in the Kongsberg area based on magnetic, electromagnetic and radiometric measurements. At the beginning, the instruments were properly calibrated for the study area and after the measurements were taken, their processing began. The recordings were corrected by critical factors such as radon correction, compton removal, aircraft and cosmic background correction, live time correction, altitude correction and data conversion to standard temperature and pressure conditions. Then, with the use of appropriate programs, the radiometric maps are presented, properly geo-referenced so that there is the necessary accuracy of digitization of the recordings. Creating maps also includes ternary maps, viz mapping all three elements simultaneously (ternary maps). Thus, depending on the results of the method, we draw conclusions about the study area and its geology, while using it, structures of economic importance can be discovered.
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Γεωλογικός χάρτης, Χάρτης ηλικιών, Χάρτης τεκτονικής τοποθέτησης, . Kongsberg, Norway, χ.χ.
ΟΡΓΑΝΟ Exploranium GR-820/3. χ.χ. http://projects.gtk.fi/export/sites/projects/aerogeo/equipment/mca.pdf.
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