Μέταλλα υψηλής τεχνολογίας και γεωπολιτική ορυκτών πρώτων υλών = High-tech metals and geopolitics of mineral raw materials.
This diploma thesis highlights the importance of the raw materials in human’s life and the crucial nature of their handling during the extraction and production process. First, it is mentioned what and which the critical metals are and the key factors that contribute to mineral’s economy. In the second section, conflict metals are analyzed. These are extremely important for modern technological devices but their extraction is the result of illegal acts like trampling on human rights and serious environment impact. In addition, solutions based on technology are suggested, aiming to improve the current situation. Furthermore, the diploma thesis focuses on the European initiatives that target at the efficient economy and sustainable development by imposing regulations, which limit raw-materials import and exploring new paths for research and exploration of possible reserves at European areas, with respect to the environment. Finally yet importantly is the European Union attempt to explore new sources of critical metals in its area and also to the encouraging strategy of recycling through the use of renewable raw materials.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
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