Τα ορυκτά της πλατίνας, πλατινοειδή σε κοιτάσματα χρωμίτη = The platinum-group minerals and platinoids in chromite deposits.
The present dissertation focus on the study and the identification of the platinum-group minerals and the platinum group elements (PGE) in chromite deposits. The platinum-group elements, their properties and their main applications are first presented. Next, a classification of PGE ores is made, followed by a discussion of the types of deposits and the geochemical behavior of these elements. The platinum-group minerals are also reported, and some of their basic characteristics are mentioned. At the same time, the association between the platinum group elements and chromite deposits is evidenced. The genesis of chromites and their deposits, the classification of chromites and special reference to alpine chromites are also presented. In addition, special reference is made to the properties and uses of chromite and its metallurgy. Finally, the presence of platinoids in chromite deposits is analyzed and it is made clear that the concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGE) in concentrated chromite ores are generally low, less than 100 ppb to a few hundred ppb. Finally a special reference is made to the chromite deposits in Greece.
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