Τα κοιτάσματα χρωμίτη στην Ελλάδα = Chromite deposits in Greece.
In the present thesis, reference is made to the areas of Greece, where chromite deposits have been found, as well as data concerning their chemical and mineralogical composition are given. Their distribution across Greeceappears to follow the direction of the Greek orogenic, which is NW-SE. They are mostly located either side of the Pelagonian Zone, namely the Sub-Pelagonian Zone and the Pindos zone in the west, while they are found in the Axios Zone in the east. The most significant chromite deposit locations have been found in the areas of Pindos, Vourinos, Othris, Vermio, East Thessaly and Oitis, which are part of the external ophiolite complex (ERO). Less significant deposits are situated in the areas of Evzonoi, Oraiokastron, Triadi and Gerakini, which are a part of the internal ophiolite complex (IRO). Concerning the chemical composition of the Greek chromites, a relative distribution is present, where the Al2O3 rich deposits are situated in the western part of the Pelagonian Zone and the Cr2O3 rich deposits in the eastern part. The geotectonic environment of the chromite deposits of Greece is connected to the genesis of the ophiolites. Τhe type of the chromite deposits of Greece belongs to the podiform, while all four chromite deposit types can be found, which are disseminated, schlieren, massif and nodular. The rocks that have been found to host the metalliferous chromite ore bodies are mostly dunite, harzburgite, pyroxenite and gabbro, as well as serpentinites, due to the intense weathering that is observed.
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