Λιθολογική και ορυκτολογική μελέτη των ζεολιθοφόρων κλαστικών αποθέσεων Kαβησού Έβρου και πιθανές χρήσεις = Lithological and mineralogical study of Kavisos, Evros, zeolithic clastic deposits and potential uses.
The scope of this thesis is the theoretical and experimental study of zeolites’minerals group, with emphasis on the exposures and reserves in Evros regional unit. Zeolites’ general characteristics, structure, formation and attributes are presented andfurthermore, specifications and uses are describedcomprehensively in various implementations. At the experimental part, two samples of clastic material are examined, originated by deposits of volcanoclastic formations.The sampling took place in the southern east part of Evros Region, in Kavisos village. They were examined in order to determine their mineralogical composition and potential uses. According to the x-ray diffractometers, in both samples was ascertained the existence of clinoptilolite, a zeolites’ minerals group member with participation of 4 and 5% w.t. respectively.In conclusion, it is not capable enough forcommercial purposes due to its low presence.
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